Monday, 7 December 2015

Mt Robert Walk


Dear Parents and caregivers
As the end of term fast  approaches we would like to schedule our Mr Robert trip for Thursday December 10th and would like to invite as many parents who want to come, to join us on this trip.  Due to my broken ankle earlier in the year our other walks were cancelled but this walk has fast become one of the traditions for the last term!
We anticipate that we would need to leave Nelson at approximately 8.30am on Thursday and commence walking at approximately 10am from the Mt. Robert car park.  The walk should take approximately 5 hours including stops, and is on a largely well graded track with significant parts of the walk below the bushline.
We anticipate being back at St Paul’s by 4pm.  If your child can be picked up or dropped off on the way because they live in Wakefield or beyond, please indicate this on your return slip and we will make appropriate arrangements.  Any student not going on the walk is required to attend school as usual.
We would really appreciate the assistance of parents on the walk, as well as transport to and from St Arnaud.   Please return the slip below if you are able to help, indicating how many children you are able to transport to and from the walk.

It is really important that the students have adequate clothing for the tramp and we have included a gear list to give them plenty of time to organise themselves.  We will not be taking students who do not have the correct gear and this will be checked on the morning of the tramp.  It is also our expectation that all parents are well equipped. 

Day pack - this needs to be a small back pack ( school use back packs are fine)
Wear sturdy shoes/sneakers and socks ( no jandals, sandals, ballet flats or other thin soled shoes)
          shorts or suitable pants to be walking in
          t shirt
spare pair of socks
Also bring (compulsory) polypro long sleeve top,polar fleece,wet weather jacket,sunhat,woolly hat,gloves AND  morning tea/lunch,drink bottle, scroggin or other cereals/high carbohydrate snacks
optional camera

Please sign the permission slip below and return it to school by Friday 27th November.  If you are able to help on the day please indicate on the slip.
Many thanks for your support
Philippa Hood, Cathie Dodd and Neill Wingham

I give permission for my son/daughter ______________ to go on the Mt Robert Walk on December 3rd

I am able/unable to accompany the walk

I am able to transport ________  students including my own son/daughter.

Your name ____________________________________  signed ________________