Homework 2017

Homework Term 2 Week 1 2017 Hoiho
You should be reading every night:
Please record your home reading here.

You are expected to complete the tasks that have been set for you on Mathletics this week
Please complete 1000 points, let me know if these tasks are too easy or to hard.
As part our reading programme this term as a class we will be undertaking a novel study on the book Wonder by RJ Palacio.
‘My name is August, by the way.  I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.’ (p 3 )

Watch the following clips

Record 5 interesting facts/information from the clips about either Auggie or the author.  
Write them on these sheets - remember to submit your work in google classroom.
  • Garin Technology Tuesday
  • PE skills Tuesday and Thursday.

Homework Term 1 Week 11 2017
Reading every night - make sure you have a book(s) to read over the holidays
Waterways presentation - these are due to be shared on Wednesday. All students will carry out a self assessment and a peer assessment of the work presented. Remember to bring your work in on Monday so that we can print out photos etc.

Lenten Calendar - Do everything on the Lenten Calendar for Holy Week - but ask your parents/caregivers for a can to donate to the food bank before you take one!
  • Shared farewell lunch for Miss Clark on Wednesday
  • Holy Week Liturgy on Thursday afternoon for whole school

Homework Term 1 Week 10 2017
  • Reading every night please share your reading diary with Ms Dodd
  • Mathletics 1000 points
  • Waterways presentations - please ensure that you are reading to bring this into school next Monday to show Ms Dodd - our presentations will be held on Wednesday 12 April
Homework Term 1 Week 9 2017
You should be reading every night:
Please record your home reading here.
Word Bank Work
Choose 6 new words from either the Freshwater or Allocation regime reading to add to your glossary.  Record your definitions on a document or in your homework folder to show Ms Clark on Friday.
Mathletics - 1000 points to be completed by next Monday.
Lenten Calendar
  1. Choose at  least one thing to do to, pray or create from the Lenten calendar to do this week.
  2. Make reflection in your RE folder about the small difference you have made.
Science - Time to start using your draft information and putting together your presentation.  If you have not completed your draft answers please ensure this is done this week.  
Remember this is the big question we are answering - How can we use what we have learned in our waterways investigation to EXPLAIN with evidence, the meaning of ‘connectedness’?

  • Start your presentation.   Remember to show the connectedness between the 3 sites. Start building up the ‘puzzle’, show how each piece connects to the pieces around it.


  • Intermediate Summer Sports - Friday

Homework Term 1 Week 8 2017
You should be reading every night:
Please record your home reading here.
Mathletics - this is optional this week
Word Bank Work
Choose 6 words and find the definition of each word.  Record them here or share on a separate document.
  • Swimming each day
  • Science road show - Thursday @ Broadgreen Intermediate

Uncompeted Homework
RE - if you have not completed this task please ensure that this shared with me no later than Tuesday evening.
What a Wonderful World - I have shared the attached link with you.  You are to take 3 photos each time getting closer to your subject matter.  Try and take photos of something that gives you a sense of awe and wonder.
Lenten Calendar
  1. Choose at  least one thing to do to, pray or create from the Lenten calendar to do this week.
  2. Make reflection in your RE folder about the small difference you have made.
How can we use what we have learned in our waterways investigation to EXPLAIN with evidence, the meaning of ‘connectedness’.
  • Start your presentation.   Remember to show the connectedness between the 3 sites. All your answers should be in the context and with your knowledge of the Brook Waiamarama Sanctuary, the Waimea Estuary and Reservoir Creek.
  • Define connectedness
  • Define water quality and the factors affecting it.
  • Define biodiversity and its consequences (good and bad)
  • Define mans impact across all 3 sites.  What are the postivie and negative factors.
  • Record the history, Maori and European. What was the impact on the 3 sites.

Start building up the ‘puzzle’, show how each piece connects to the pieces around it.
We will also work on this during class as well, however it is expected that by next Monday you will have drafted answers to all of the above questions.
Create a document and share it with me. I will comment on your answers as you add them.

Homework Term 1 Week 7 2017 Hoiho
Lenten Calendar
  1. Choose at  least one thing to do to, pray or create from the Lenten calendar to do this week.
  2. Make reflection in your RE folder about the small difference you have made.
What a Wonderful World - I have shared the attached link with you.  You are to take 3 photos each time getting closer to your subject matter.  Try and take photos of something that gives you a sense of awe and wonder.
How can we use what we have learned in our waterways investigation to EXPLAIN with evidence, the meaning of ‘connectedness’?
We will continue to explore this question in class this week.  Think about the different ways you could present your explanation, jot down some ideas or come up with a draft plan of how your presentation will look.

You should be reading every night:
Please record your home reading here.

You are expected to complete the tasks that have been set for you on Mathletics this week
Please complete 500 points, let me know if these tasks are too easy or to hard.
  • Welcome to Miss Clark our student teacher.  Miss Clark will be with us until the end of term.

  • Sailing - check that you have the correct gear
  • Family Mass - Thursday 5.30pm bring along a picnic tea
  • Shared lunch Friday to celebrate St Patrick’s Day

Term 1 Week 5 2017
You should be reading every night:
Please record your home reading here.

You are expected to complete the tasks that have been set for you on Mathletics this week
Please complete 1000 points, let me know if these tasks are too easy or to hard.
Word Bank Work
Choose 6 words from the word bank on the board and find the definitions.  Record these in your spelling notebooks.
  • Swimming sports on Wednesday

Work that needs more work
What needs done or needs more time spent on it?
  • Richmond mapping activity
  • Estuary mind map
  • Brook Sanctuary mind map
  • Jandal
Add your own work here.

Term 1 Week 3 2017
You should be reading every night:
Please record your home reading here.

You are expected to complete the tasks that have been set for you on Mathletics this week
Please complete 1000 points.
Word Bank Work - find the meanings of 6 words from our Geography Quiz and add them to your spelling notebook.
This week we have our field trip to the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary.  Please ensure you wear appropriate gear as follows.  You can wear your field trip clothes to school
T shirt
Warm jersey
Sun hat
Sandals or sneakers that can get wet
Togs and towel
Wear sunscreen
Also bring plenty of lunch and a water bottle.
We will be travelling by bus to the Sanctuary and leaving at 9am, returning by 2.30 on Thursday this week.

Finishing Off
If you have not finished your Parihaka
explanation and made a digital presentation of it using mysimple story.com this must be completed.
We will post the url to SEESAW with a comment later this week when we have set it up.

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