Wow our classroom was an amazing success at the gala. We put 276 people through in 3 hours and made over $800. It was a huge effort by everyone contributing to the overall success. We have an amazing group of screamers, guides, grim reapers, sound technicians and painters. You should be very, very proud of your work!
A very big thank you to Mrs Cornelison and Ruby's grandmother for props, to all the parents who delivered van/car loads of cardboard, for donations of tape and cable ties, a special thank you to the parents who came over the Easter break and helped with the enormous job of lining the windows and erecting the maze. Thank you to Mrs Mills who worked tirelessly at the ent
ry door! A huge thumbs up to the gala organisers for all their support and the many hours they put into making the gala the success it was.
A last but not least a big pat on the back to the kids in Hoiho - you are a very scary bunch!!!!