The Advent tradition of Krsitkindle.
Each class in the school will discuss and quietly complete kind, helpful acts throughout the school day (eg. rubbish duty, leaving thoughtful note for cleaners, sweep courtyards, open doors for staff, take some pre-loved toys to the Vincent De Paul, using good manners etc,). These acts are discussed and completed as a class or in groups for people they see in need and will also be encouraged to be carried on at home. Teachers will encourage quiet, small acts of generosity for others without looking for acknowledgement. Each child will be given a name of another child to give a Kristkindle gift
to on the last day of school – Friday 16 December. Families are asked to provide a small, wrapped gift that their child can give to their Kristkindle on the final day. The gift can be homemade and if purchased should not cost more than $5.00. Please put the name of the child receiving the gift on the outside and the name of the child giving the gift on the inside. In keeping with the spirit of Kristkindle please help your child to keepthe name of their Kristkindle a secret until the day.