Monday, 7 December 2015

Mt Robert Walk


Dear Parents and caregivers
As the end of term fast  approaches we would like to schedule our Mr Robert trip for Thursday December 10th and would like to invite as many parents who want to come, to join us on this trip.  Due to my broken ankle earlier in the year our other walks were cancelled but this walk has fast become one of the traditions for the last term!
We anticipate that we would need to leave Nelson at approximately 8.30am on Thursday and commence walking at approximately 10am from the Mt. Robert car park.  The walk should take approximately 5 hours including stops, and is on a largely well graded track with significant parts of the walk below the bushline.
We anticipate being back at St Paul’s by 4pm.  If your child can be picked up or dropped off on the way because they live in Wakefield or beyond, please indicate this on your return slip and we will make appropriate arrangements.  Any student not going on the walk is required to attend school as usual.
We would really appreciate the assistance of parents on the walk, as well as transport to and from St Arnaud.   Please return the slip below if you are able to help, indicating how many children you are able to transport to and from the walk.

It is really important that the students have adequate clothing for the tramp and we have included a gear list to give them plenty of time to organise themselves.  We will not be taking students who do not have the correct gear and this will be checked on the morning of the tramp.  It is also our expectation that all parents are well equipped. 

Day pack - this needs to be a small back pack ( school use back packs are fine)
Wear sturdy shoes/sneakers and socks ( no jandals, sandals, ballet flats or other thin soled shoes)
          shorts or suitable pants to be walking in
          t shirt
spare pair of socks
Also bring (compulsory) polypro long sleeve top,polar fleece,wet weather jacket,sunhat,woolly hat,gloves AND  morning tea/lunch,drink bottle, scroggin or other cereals/high carbohydrate snacks
optional camera

Please sign the permission slip below and return it to school by Friday 27th November.  If you are able to help on the day please indicate on the slip.
Many thanks for your support
Philippa Hood, Cathie Dodd and Neill Wingham

I give permission for my son/daughter ______________ to go on the Mt Robert Walk on December 3rd

I am able/unable to accompany the walk

I am able to transport ________  students including my own son/daughter.

Your name ____________________________________  signed ________________

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Advent - Collection of Festive Food Items

Advent Outreach

We are collecting festive food items to donate to St Vincent de Paul who will use them to make Christmas food hampers for people in our community this Christmas.

Please consider giving foods such as fruit cakes, tinned fruit, pickles, sauces and relish to go with meat, jams and jellies, meringues, fruit mince pies, chocolate, fruit sauces for use with desserts, good quality biscuits, crackers to go with cheese and dips, nuts etc.

The food will be presented to St Vincent de Paul at the 9.30am mass on Sunday 6 December 2015.

This will be our first act of corporal mercy
“Give food to the Hungry”
as we begin the Year of Mercy. I would like to encourage every family to give at least one item of food.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Year 7 and 8 camp gear list

Gear List for Camp

Sneakers or comfortable walking shoes
shorts and/or leggings
polar fleece top
long trousers (jeans or tracksuit pants)
swimming towel

Bath Towel
wet weather jacket (ESSENTIAL)
warm jacket (ESSENTIAL)
sun hat
woolly hat
day pack
lunch box
drink bottle
small torch (1 between 2-3)
cup, bowl, dinner plate and cutlery  (please mark with child’s name)

Monday, 26 October 2015


Please visit the following link and complete the form - this enables your child to be placed in the best group for their swimming lessons.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Art in Hoiho

Mrs Dorman is teaching us about the Impressionism.  We are using some of these techniques to create our own paintings and canvases.  

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Calendar Orders

Have you ordered your calendar yet?  Check out the gorgeous art work - these will look spectacular on your wall - solve that Christmas gift idea, order forms were sent home last week.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Visiting a marae

To prepare for our visit to the Whakatu Marae on Thursday watch the following clips.

Learning our mihi

Kia ora koutou katoa.
Ko _________ taku ingoa.
Ko _________ taku màmà.
Ko _________ taku pàpà.
Nò _________ ahau.
Tekau mà _________ aku tau.
Greetings to you all.
My name is _________ . My mother is _________ . My father is _________ .
I am from _________ .
I am _________ years old.

Ko Whaea/Matua _________ te kaiako.
My teacher is _________ .
Nò te whànau _________ ahau.
I am from the _________team/syndicate.
Ko Whaea/Matua _________te tumuaki o taku kura.
_________ is the principal of my school.
Nò reira e te whànau, ka nui te mihi.
Therefore, an extended greeting to our school family.
Tènà koutou, tènà koutou, tènà tàtou katoa.
Greetings, greetings, greetings to us all. 

Friday, 21 August 2015

Bridgette's trip to Rome

Bridgette is going to update us here on her trip to Rome.  Have a wonderful time Bridgette and safe travels.

Hello, we are in Rome and its so hot, its like a billion degrees. It is so picturesque here and every where you look there is a building ten times the size of any in nz. I'm so lucky today (as part of the conference) we went to see the pope and although there thousand and thousands of people there for some reason our conference got to sit really close to him (we have lots of great photos) and afterwards he came about right up to us. He shook everyone's hand but sadly I was to faraway but he smiled and waved. A mother was holding up her baby from the audience and one of the popes body guards took her baby so the pope could hold her, he gave her a cuddle amd a kiss on the forehead and its was so cute!!  (Thursday 3 September)

America is so much fun, it has been such nice weather. The first place we went to was San Fransisco, it was so big haha, there was lots of homeless people there, begging and stuff, so we went around giving them money and Muslie bars. On the second day of San Fran we went on theses really cool old fashioned tram thingys, instead of sitting inside like a normal car or bus or something you had to hold on to poles outside of it. We did lots of shopping as well. The next day we biked over the Golden Gate Bridge, the bridge is so amazing except I got told off many many times for biking on the wrong side of the road, it's really tricky to get used to which side of the car you get into, and it looks like little kids who are sitting in the passenger seat are driving. Three days ago we came to Denver, then had a long car trip to Colorado Springs which is so beautiful. That's where I am at the moment, it's 10.00pm but I won't be tired till about 4 in the morning (still really jetlagged) tomorrow we have a 10 hour flight to Germany then straight after a 3 hour flight to Rome, which should be awesome. I'm a little bit homesick but I'm having a lot of fun, I'm not looking forward to the 25 hour flight home though. I have made lots of friends and pen pals while I'm over here and they hope to come to nelson and stay with us sometime. They all love our accents and they Mimick us haha. Also there are about three Starbucks on each street Keri would like that haha.

Alcatraz Island, it is an old prison that is infested with great white sharks in the water around it, they put all the worst criminals in there because even if they somehow managed to escape they would be eaten straight away.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Speech Topics

Subjects for the speeches are as follows

  • A Place in History
  • Aotearoa - is it the land of Plenty
  • Are Schools Necessary?
  • Sport
  • Are Zoos good for Animals?


Purpose – How will you help your audience by giving your speech?

To ENTERTAIN them: - use funny stories, good mannered jokes and humour.
To INSPIRE or PERSUADE them: - use personal stories and loads of enthusiasm.
To NARRATE for them: - be very expressive and create interest.
To EDUCATE them: - use facts, figures and give example.  Show credibility and limit jargon.
Audience – How many? What ages, education, cultures and interests.
Venue – Where are you going to speak? Can you use props or displays? Do you need equipment?
Timing – How long? 3 to 5 minutes

Material – Chose a TOPIC that interests you e.g. Boy bands
-       The FOCUS is what you specifically want to talk about e.g. Talent Shows - X factor, New Zealands Got Talent, One Direction
-       Brainstorm your topic/focus.  Add stories, quotes or some humour.
Language – A speech is spoken so use short words and short sentences.
              Use lots of active and descriptive words. E.g. Run, Jump e.g. Instead of “The Cat” use “The fat lazy purring tabby” or The sleek aggressive snarling Tom cat”

Opening Grab Audience Attention   (A noise, movement, question, statement,
                                                              quote or funny story)
                Greet the audience         (Formal or informal)
                Timing, Topic and Focus (Explain your Topic, focus and how long
                                                          you will talk for)
                3 to 5 point preview        (Say what you are going to cover in one
                                                              sentence only)
                Why you are the expert (Why they should listen to you)
                 How they will benefit     (Why they should listen)
Body       3 to 5 main point
1.     W.W.W.W.W.H   - Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
                      e.g. A description. An explanation of the rules
                             or a process or an item.
                2. P.P. F.              – Past, Present, Future.
                                                   e.g. A famous instance, example or personal
                   3. P.R.E.P.              – Make Point, give Reason and Example, repeat
                                                   e.g. A point of view, An opinion. A debate
Conclusion   3 or 5 point summary   (Say what you have said in one sentence)
                 Action Call                (What you want the audience to do because
                                                        they listened to you)
                    Conclusion                    (What you think) Finish with an exciting
                                                        statement or question
PRESENTING – Act like a Super Speaker
Hands by your sides, shoulders back, chin up, smile, eyes looking at the audience.
Appearance – Is your appearance suitable to your speech and audience?  Relax, stand comfortably and confidently.
Visuals – Are you going to use notes, props, PowerPoint or white board?
Body Language – Does it add to your speech? Say and SHOW what you mean – Length, Age, Shape, Distance, Direction, Activity, Size and Feelings.
Voice – Vary the rate, volume, pitch, tone, speak clearly.  Add emotions and sound effects.
Write your speech out in full - Read your speech out loud 10 times. (Tape or record yourself on an ipad)
Write out your Palm/Cue cards using bullet points – Practice in front of the mirror 5 times (Video yourself)
Practice in front of small audiences   a) with notes or cue cards.   b) without notes or cue cards.
Practice using high, low, soft, loud, fast and slow voice.  Practice while walking fast. (Get your heart pounding)
Above all – create an interesting speech you want to deliver and concentrate on delivering it well.

It's speech time - have some fun practising these tongue twisters in the mirror.  Remember to use facial and voice expression.  Read the following article on dogonews 

Remember when making a speech the key is to keep you audience interested and AWAKE! 
Even President Obama has to work on that!

Kid President Makes it Awesome!

Take some time to watch these speeches.  For each speech make some notes on the structure of the speech and the techniques used.  Did the speaker use repetition?, did they ask questions?, what points did they make?, how did they make them?, did they have a conclusion?, did they use gestures?, did they use facial or voice expressions? Now think about your speech how can you make it just as effective?

Visit this link to see an animated version of how to make your speech better.

Joshua Iosefa's Inspiring Speech - Brown Brother

The Girl Who Silenced the World / 20th Anniversary

Visit this link for ideas on how to use your voice to keep your listeners interested.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Science Fair



Science fair ideas site

more ideas for science fair

even more ideas for science fair

and more ideas!!

By Friday you need to make a written submission to your teacher about your science fair idea.  Include the question you are going to investigate, with whom you are working and your draft plan, allowing for a completion date of week 8.

AquaBot Challenge information

Please visit the attached sites if you are interested in being part of the AquaBot challenge.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Curious Careers

Link to Curious Careers - which career interested you the most? why? what qualifications would you need? what skills do you need?

Monday, 13 July 2015

Printmaking in Hoiho

Hoiho enjoyed the printmaking unit with Mrs Dorman in Term 2