Sunday, 13 September 2015

Visiting a marae

To prepare for our visit to the Whakatu Marae on Thursday watch the following clips.

Learning our mihi

Kia ora koutou katoa.
Ko _________ taku ingoa.
Ko _________ taku màmà.
Ko _________ taku pàpà.
Nò _________ ahau.
Tekau mà _________ aku tau.
Greetings to you all.
My name is _________ . My mother is _________ . My father is _________ .
I am from _________ .
I am _________ years old.

Ko Whaea/Matua _________ te kaiako.
My teacher is _________ .
Nò te whànau _________ ahau.
I am from the _________team/syndicate.
Ko Whaea/Matua _________te tumuaki o taku kura.
_________ is the principal of my school.
Nò reira e te whànau, ka nui te mihi.
Therefore, an extended greeting to our school family.
Tènà koutou, tènà koutou, tènà tàtou katoa.
Greetings, greetings, greetings to us all. 

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