We have organised a field trip for each of our Year 7/8 class next week at the Brook Waimarama Sanctuay where we will be investigating biodiversity and the role of the waterways as part of our Science unit this term. We will be travelling to the Sanctuary by bus (Whio on Wednesday and Hoiho on Thursday) but would appreciate the help of a couple of parents/Grandparents for the day. If you think you might be able to help could you please contact Cathie or myself of the emails below or leave a message at the office ( 544 2243) and we will contact you. You will be able to travel on the bus with us or if you prefer could meet us there.
Many thanks in anticipation.
Philippa Hood phil@stpauls-richmond.school.nz and
Cathie Dodd cathie@stpauls-richmond.school.nz
Please ensure you wear appropriate gear as follows. You can wear your field trip clothes to school
T shirt
Warm jersey
Sun hat
Sandals or sneakers that can get wet
Togs and towel
Also bring plenty of lunch and a water bottle.
Remember to wear sunscreen.
So excited for discovering the beauty of the sanctuary! - Rosa